Get In Touch

+1 628 232 5757

1569 Ave, New York,
NY 10028, USA

Frequently Asked Question!

Yes a license is one of the most essential tools needed to practice Fishing (contact us to get more info)

We begin processing orders right away and are unable to make changes. If you need to cancel an order, please contact us. We’ll do our best to catch it before it goes out!

To place an order, simply browse our online catalog for products or use the search bar at the top of each page. When you have found your product, select size, color, and weight then click “Add to Cart”. When you are ready to checkout, click “Cart” in the upper right-hand toolbar then select “View Cart & Checkout.” Confirm that you’re finished shopping by reviewing your selections, then click “Proceed to Checkout.”

When you press send, so do we! Your order confirmation is sent to the email address you listed in the billing section as soon as you place your order. If you don’t receive a confirmation, please check your spam folder.

We do accept international orders, but we only do free shipping to US, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico addresses for now. We will gradually offer free shipping to other countries, so stay make sure to keep updated with our newsletter!

If you leave your e-mail or phone number as your contact information during the ordering process, you will receive a shipping confirmation notice via email or SMS when your order has left the warehouse. We’ll include information so that you can track your order.

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